
Beats by Dr Dre Pro veRaise an example

It is a very natural matter.Only and too approach him, the future prospects that will harm you.The matter between the men and women is most mistake person, you are my under charge, I will never hope you what matter of."
Xu You Ni lowers the head to go and lightly ordered to nod, way:"I am understand to lead you are to want to protect me, otherwise can't so resolutely withdraw down from them I, either.You trust, I know what I is doing."On noding, the applause location of Shi Shao Qiang's smile way:"Is understand good, in fact my very modern-minded of, young man, occasionally the indulgence didn't relate to all of a sudden, but musted not sink too deeply, you trust, in the future my under charge several No.1000 man, picked with you, you have to have a liking for who, say with me a , I even if the putting together an old life also does into this marriage for you!"
Xu You Ni ha ha a , Min however way:"Lead you formerly can have no so good-hearted of, now how so progressive."Shi Shao Qiang as well loses to say with smile:"I to you not lead?"The Xu You Ni's small mouth is one Du, way:"Who say to have no!"Shi Shao Qiang knits the brows a way:"Have?Raise an example to listen to!"
Xu You Ni is tiny to raise head, with a kind of very strange and euphonic way:"Certainly had, for example the Teng text is handsome ……"
Although I always chat aimlessly a sky with guide, but always one heart two eavesdrop them to talk with the ground, at the moment hear all of a sudden unexpectedly from Xu You Ni's mouth in vomited my name, in the heart suddenly one Zheng.If I am to be faced to them at the moment, only afraid Shi Shao Qiang's one eye can see what not to.
Shi Shao Qiang's facial expression is dignified all of a sudden, grind to a stop for a while just slowly way:"Do you incredibly know him?"Xu You Ni smiles to order, way:"How can don't know, although you never once said him with me, however know that he was also your parties comer when I just see him on the first day!"
The helpless tunnel of Shi Shao Qiang:"Have so exaggeration?"Xu You Ni says with smile:"Is not so exaggerated, feel he the whole personal forehead up all engrave to act from inside two words, good elephant only fear the world person don't know it's similar.I am still very strange to lead how you send such a simpleton to do something like this , and then excite again reckless, this isn't your to choose person's style."
I feel that I has some blush, have never thought at the beginning slowly excellent Ni unexpectedly is see thus mine, no wonder that I see her each time, she always eyes me by a kind of special facial expression and still made me misunderstand at that time for to me have what mean, now just know, unexpectedly is in mind smile me stupid.
On smiling, the Hey ground of Shi Shao Qiang's way:"See to him still need to fail than my imagination ground.However is so also good, this originally be planned a medium matter, want of is that he was enough reckless."The strange way of Xu You Ni:"Plan?What mean?"Shi Shao Qiang is tiny tiny on smiling, way:"Secret!"
Xu You Ni hums a way:"Return a secret!The persons are all missing, should also decrypt."Shi Shao Qiang ha ha on smiling, way:"Your this kid, be like to get to the root of the matter.Your one eye can see him, just because you are the same kind persons, have already grown a special felling.Try to ask if are you to receive a soldier, will believe that the police will send such a simpleton to act from inside?"
Mama of!The old and the young that was malicious to send greetings to Shi Shao Qiang's whole family in my heart, the Hun has never thought, he chooses my one of the reason incredibly returns because I am enough stupid.However just in a twinkling, I have already released however, think of own at the beginning of behavior bearing, really enough stupid.Although Shi Shao Qiang is to pay a set to make me drill,Shi Shao Qiang has never forced mine.Since is own choice, ability strange get who.
Xu You Ni knows:"Say is also, anti- to the thinking!Deal with an intelligent person, probably the idiot is more suitable!See come or lead you sufficient poison alas!"
Shi Shao Qiang is long on sighing, way:"Choose him, also not only because of this reason."Xu You Ni is strange to ask a way:"Still have what inside story ah!"My heart in a tight, also become nervous ground to wait for his answer, have never anticipated Shi Shao Qiang this but would not like to explain, just call however on sighing, light tone way:"I really ain't so good to him, after he has an accident, I also usually introspect myself and give° such a person to lead long to pull to come in, will can't divide too much!Have no me, he originally should be common of young man, live peaceful living."
Together the some feeling of Xu You Ni body is subjected to tunnel:"No wonder that you protect so me now.However this is also strange not who, destiny be so, you made me approach the time of Qian Kai in those early years, I was very similar bad impression!Now but already be used to this kind of living."
"Certainly, so I would choose you, because you are similar to me, is more inside unwilling than mediocre!"The light tone way of Shi Shao Qiang, they after speaking of me, the voice is more and more small, if not that I wasn't too listenning to, all listen to really them being chatting what.Still want to keep changing thinking in, use the Cantonese of suppressing the feet and female guide to keep chatting a sky, is really son thinking a little bit disorder of felling.If change into those early years of I, only afraid already dizzy vegetables.
Xu You Ni lightly H'm a , way:"Do not know he now how, I still often listenned to at that time brave bring up his."Shi Shao Qiang shook to shake head, way:"He a year I is ex- to escape here, afterwards with Xiao a life time the hero went to Thailand, end still just Vietnam once appeared!However afterwards completely have no news.All don't know still on the hoof have no.Hey, this guy still really makes a matter."
The sudden subconscious ground of Shi Shao Qiang becomes overdo to come to Piao while saying this words my one eye, this lets my at heart a tight, although I can understand, this is just his association of thought of an at heart, after all I make him some to acquaint with feeling.But I also know again at foolish here under go to very unappropriate.
This for an instant, my thoughts and feelings returned to all of a sudden long time ago, that is in Vietnamese fishing bay things of the past in the small village, the consideration care of woman to me and the black piece that is dressed in a long skirt.Time gradually, I even connect her appearances all have been misty.From Shi Shao Qiang's speech phrase,Beats by Dr Dre Pro, I can indeed know, he knows that I am in the movements of E City ever, but has never started to catch me.This again why, is intentionally indulgence still compunction?I probably can't know forever.
", Has he ever come to this?You say of should can't be beard C dragon?"Xu You Ni for a while suddenly smile way:"I somehow also at foolish here greater half year very not!Can also not know his business, Hey!It unexpectedly and incredibly is him.This boy mixs very greatly a head."Say a sudden Du mouth way:"Should not is lead you intentionally send him to come to E City of?"
Shi Shao Qiang ha ha on smiling, way:"My daughter kid, stealthy of, all think what!What about you be I especially the idea adjust to come over of, he can be not, however does that guy really let a person by surprise?The potential is to greatly get fearfulness, if he is still a police, probably is really the best!Is alas!This in this world incredibly still has the person whom my old Shi Kan doesn't live!"
By this time of I am reviewed to say so by them, none of in the minds knows to is what taste.But affirm today is come to, incredibly can hear so many matters.
By this time I feel Shi Shao Qiang's that crafty double of eyes and swept to come over to me, a burst of Luo Mao in heart.Luckily by this time female guide also at the right moment way:"The Sir there is there also a famous tourist spot, let's there walk!"I such as negative heavy release tunnel:"Okay, leave!"Although I really think again keep on listenning to, also know again foolish next go to and absolutely is unappropriate.

23 soft ribs

I still just the car of return journey up, Xu Zhi Heng's telephone came right away, although I want the matter that he investigates have already got answer through the Shi Xu Er people's dialogue by himself/herself, anyway, the efficiency of handling affairs of Xu Zhi Heng is really worth to call a way.Is an around an hour, he has already about give°ed Xu You Ni's all datas that can find out in E cities to dig out.Even include Xu You Ni's home address and cellular phone number.Letting me having a little is depressed, a little bit the son is curious about that what he actually passes to calculate what get data so quickly.Want to know to allow ambition Heng to isn't at native native of the place in the E City.
"Nothing important oddness, we are originally bludgers, always have some slanting heresy in the door, if even none of this things ability Related articles:

