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Arrive inside in the police substation, like to investigate for a while he make of criminal acts."
Country police substation Li Fu the bureau chief stand out behind from the crowd and take two people Jings and take handcuffs, walk to old three in frontses and want to put handcuffs on him.
Suddenly feel the flavor of a sub- scheme in the heart, old three hearts in a surprised, an a step backwards, arrive at his younger brother after death, shout at top of voice:"Who his mama dare to catch Lao Tze!Don't want to live!The brotherses!Walk!"
Mix in the younger brother in the center, time take to coax indiscriminately, old three rush out crowd, going straight to the village Wei will the office went.There is telephone, can let old three move reinforcements.
See old three younger brotherses take stick to hold up road, Yang Wei isn't worried either, the right there sneers at to join a crowd for fun.Li Fu's bureau chief is also given repeated advice to, face those small mix challenging of son, just loudly reprimand angrily to, but not Tao gun.
All these, all anticipate in Yang Wei's idea in, beat old three, his protection umbrella will appear publicly.Round up all at one fell swoop they, is the affair that Yang Wei wants to do.

The text chapter 64 old three judgment days(is medium)
Renew time:2009-5-816:11:54 chapter word numbers:2601

Bureau chief opens jeep and pulls Gao head of rural township to speed since then.
"Is dry what!"Bureau chief loudly reprimands angrily to Li Fu's bureau chief, " is anti- you!Don't say "hello" with me, do you want to catch a person?Have law of the land!"
Tidy up appearance in the car, the Gao head of rural township slowly steps out of the car, walks to Yang Wei nearby and seriously says:"Head of rural township, you this is do of which?"
Yang Wei in no hurrily says:"Gao head of rural township, today, I come to Qin Jia Cun to do a Pu method activity together with Li Fu's bureau chief of country police substation and suddenly hear outside greatly disorderly, come out a to see, that piece shining glory takes several ten people and takes a weapon involved in murder to hurtle into a common people home, and then is to hits a door to hit a window, and then hit persons.I come out to obstruct, he doesn't listen to as well, can't, I have to ask bureau chief Lee to bring back his police substation and press the public order regulation to handle him.Can shining glory piece unexpectedly take no cognizance law and want a violent anti- method.I feel that the police force shortage of our village neighborhood, whether ask the criminal police brigade in the county down help?"
Gao head of rural township's in the mind is dark to scold old know absolutely nothing dead to live, be held tight a hold this time.It is strict dozen period, if settle a dispute feeling on the stand, the relation is again hard, also want 1 F skin.Nevertheless, Gao head of rural township heart in didn't also chase this be return to matter.BE not hit persons?Compensating some money be.Besides, county Wei of week pair the secretary is as quite good as old three relationses, have him to help to talk, old three affirmation Be all right.
"This small matter, need not bother county criminal police brigade.I go to and old three say, let he to the village neighborhood say affair know."The Gao head of rural township greatly treads to walk into Qin Jia Cun village Wei meeting, with old three companieses measure go to.
The strength for head of rural township is indeed as expected different, old three soon come out, the smile of full face, amenably let handcuffs of police Kao, follow Li Fu's bureau chief to walk.
See old three be taken, the villagers discuss in succession, surmise over there old three this time whether really wanting is unlucky.
Have of say:"Hold!Is old three be made into how much return, which time see him really occupy?Have Gao the head of rural township to protect him, head of rural township thinks that he is also useless again."
Have of say:"Is uncertain!Head of rural township is from inside in the big city come down of, so young be pair head of rural township, affirmation have backstage.If he thinks to be whole old three, affirm an ability whole become."
The villagers discuss in succession, Gao head of rural township but don't hear.His idea, all the flower was in thinking how to tidy up Yang Wei Shen.
This kinglet's eight Du sons!Lao Tze sees him is to come down to hang a job to toughen, not ability foolish Be getting more farsighted, just at enmity with he is similar, have never thought, he still grasps a nose top face!See Lao Tze how whole he?
Return to village neighborhood, seek the tall head of rural township whom Yang Wei Sa annoys everywhere, sought country government, don't also find out Yang Wei's whereabouts, on finding out, Yang Wei takes Li Fu's bureau chief and escorted to go to in old three last countieses.
"Bastard!"The head of rural township of Gao a the cup of table to dashed to pieces, " small Du son!Lao Tze can not use you again, must give° you to kick to go in time City."
Picked up a telephone, the Gao head of rural township dialed county Wei pair secretary the week found a nation of telephone:"Week secretary?I say an affair with you.Top parties to hang the Wei of job, got Se really too, seem to be whole follow river country all cover don't live him, the all day last Cuan bottom jumps of, each the person of section room to his opinions all very big, can you arrange for a while and adjust him to the another village to do?"
"He be still to old three disaffections?"To the Gao head of rural township's proposal, the week founds a nation some disagree.In his eyes, a don't have the backstage of small pair the head of rural township is still an outsider, at follow river country to basically lift not rise wave.The head of rural township of Gao if even one is small young to all put uneven of words, also Be not worth his helping.
Week's founding a nation a past is the party Wei that follows river country secretary, because got the appreciating of superior, promote county Wei gradually, be last county Wei pair secretary, it is said that that having much of becomes a positive hope.
While following river country, the week founds a nation and old three familiar, give old three did a lot of affairs, owed old three human feelingseses.Therefore, old three some actions of spaces, he also helped to cover up a lot.
"The matter son makes big!"The Gao head of rural township quickly says that" today, the old Sha-ho person fight and arrive to make in somebody else, was at the right moment met by Yang Wei, old three get up for Kao, is that I obstruct and let them talk to the village neighborhood.Can have never thought, Yang Wei unexpectedly takes old three go toward to go to in county.Do you say that the his eyes inside still has my this head of rural township?"
"Does this matter Cultural Revolution Tung know?"The week founds a nation to ask.
Follow the river village people Wei secretary Cultural Revolution Tung is a county Wei secretary Liu Chang follow of the Di fasten, at follow river country, his opinion equal to Liu Chang follow of opinion, not from get the week found a nation not to listen to.
"Secretary Tung arrives underneath of the village went and saw to go to, also don't know this matter."
"Will this matter Cultural Revolution Tung not know?"The week founds a nation to feel the in the mind has no bottom and hesitate to say, " don't urgently, that vice- head of rural township's making can not make either in the sky, old three can't occupy.To, you tell old three wiveses and make her take some money, arrive in the evening pair county magistrate breeze home in the valley visit for a while and give him to say in county magistrate Zhao Chang Feng's in front.If Zhao Chang Feng appears publicly, old three affairses were basic and then fixed."
The week founds a nation not to want to make moves on this matter.County Wei secretary Liu Chang fluently is upward one-step, become pair mayor's hope, and he the week found a nation to also have the possibility to take over shift duty.In this time, he doesn't want to be subjected to old three influenceses and delayed their own political progresses.The valley breeze once helped old three talk, the advantage also accepted and helped again old 31 times, also nothing.Is all some small break a matter, there is also no case of homicide, do so much.
Week founds a nation this to say, Gao head of rural township's in the mind had bottom, the heart also let go of and sought to can believe of handle affairs a personnel, he seeks old three wiveses and call she come for a while.
Looking at to walk into Yang Wei of the game hall and the smiling face of the Qin Kang sunlight glitter, Qin Shou livings to know, old three Be getting over.
Looking at Hong jade bead high beautiful leg, see pure Qin Wan again, some fires be just burning, take back a look in the eyes very easily, say with smile in Yang Wei's eyes:"Living son, I just old three pressed the custody center in the county, Qin Kang was also formal to report a case to the county police department, testimony, witness also all seek good, waited court to hold court to take up."
Qin Kang is also very happy, wreathed in smiles:"Living son, he is old three don't compensate my several 100,000, my affirmation isn't dry."
If Qin Shou livings heart to say, if I you, early old three died for Tong, the egg son had no, how much also buy not to come back.
"Living son, Qin Kang wants to tell to be old three, don't dare to go home, frightened old three wiveses take a person to beat him.The arrangement is in the village neighborhood also insecurity, you there is place in this game hall and at the right moment make Qin Kang live how many days and be help to keep the gate, Zha kind?"
The look in the eyes that looking at Yang Wei"sincerity",Cheap Beats By Dre, Qin Shou livings to only promise.He has already helped Yang Wei a lot of, unworthy for the sake of this affair but give offense to him.Qin Shou livings to know, Yang Wei this is to have selfishness, don't want that making Qin Kang see spring is red.Otherwise, somebody else's couple all in the county, you send the spring Qin Kang red there have to not.
"You this wants red spring to go there in the evening."Qin Shou livings to with evil intent think
Stand on the front door, Qin Kang Mao  wears a waist and smokes smoke, two eyes have no absolute being and see toward the pitch dark night sky.
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