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Chapter 709 Wu Jun goes to first
The fact proves that six lousily judge to also have no at 1:00 wrong, waited until the second day, Sun Wu's reinforcement had already arrived to new county city outside.The war that takes a brigade will be Sun Wu the great commander D receive, the Ling hold and Zhu Huan, but as Sun Ce's bag of wisdom, but the week Yu has never followed to come over.Battalion in file ready to, the D receives, Ling hold to would be the in front of arriving to Sun Ce with Zhu Huan San people directly, turn over a body to dismount, toward Sun Ce to would be to kowtow down, together the voice drinks a way:"The end will pay a courtesy call on a lord Mr.!"
Sun Ce ha ha on smiling, come forward to start to hand 3 people, say:"The everybody general comes the positive that time wait!Let's sign a horse and then can start taking down this new county now!"Say, Sun Ce by hand pointed to point a front of new county county city, with Sun Ce's temper, can endure last a day, also be regarded as wonderful.
Zhu Huan ordered to nod and said to Sun Ce:"Lord male trust!The end will wait this time horse that took 10,000 people and be good enough to take down this new county!Is needless lord Mr. in person horse, is be Mr. for lord to take down this by the end a burst of!"Say, the D receives to would be to embrace boxing one gift to Sun Ce, close behind, would be to turn round to turn over a horse of body, lift long once the gun flick, would was to take a group of personses' horse to directly kill toward the new county pass by.
The action that looking at Zhu Huan, the Sun Ce and D receives, Ling Cao all burst out laughing, Sun Ce smiles to point at the figure of that Huan to say:"This rest Mu, is still an old appearance, and one vice- hasty temper!However also calculate!Now inside the city only a remains half Zhang Wen of the life far and a speech of six uncles whom will make a sneak attack, these 2 people now I still really lift not rise fascination and do they exchange blows!Hand over to rest Mu to deal with!"Previous Sun Ce already and get hurt of too the history Ci once met, according to too the judgment of the history Ci, Zhang Liao Jiu's wound don't more, and then add new harm, perhaps is have no how much fighting strength, but that joy enter the wound on the body more serious, break don't live the possibility for descending.Such circumstance, for Sun Ce the combat like this was wildly still true to have no how much attraction.
And D's receiving and traversing to hold 2 people is all cool-headed persons, for be also different from Sun Ce, Zhu Huan so war, since Zhu Huan already lead troops go to, their 2 people nature also meaningless to contend for with Zhu Huan.The D receives to smile to say to Sun Ce:"Lord male!That Liao is also regarded as world rare great commander, does Mr. Zhu see if he probably surrenders?If get he strengthen for lord Mr. rendering service, lord Mr. of real strenght necessarily and consumedly!"
The proposal that receives to the D, but Sun Ce is to shake to shake head, the bitterness says with a smile:"Is impossible!That Shao dies in Xiang city on that day, yesterday joy enter again dead in this new county, hear Zhang Liao and these 2 people to all haven't shallow friendship, he has already been our Sun Wu as personal enemy, and then would surrender?Is alas!Be getting more regrettable!Such great commander, today but be damaging here!"Say till the last, Sun Ce is to feel some unfortunately, after all what Sun Wu took makes moves now of the war will also only have him and too the history Ci is 2 people, rest such as the D receive wait person, although also be regarded as will just, but the skill in martial arts is the level that always don't attain a top-class superior, even if being the valiant general that compares with Cao to hold with Liu Bei's under charge that is to greatly have rather.
Sun Ce's this words, if was listenned to by Zhu Huan, pointed to uncertain want to defy spirit, can the D receive and Ling Cao but is to don't respond, on the contrary agree with Sun Ce's viewpoint.Sun Wu Shi is tiny at present, if the real strenght that can strengthen Sun Ce, they are to see happily.
"Forget it!"Sun Ce isn't that kind of either the temper for dragging and pulling , on putting a hand, then no longer bring up this matter and receive to the D and Ling Cao Wen's way:"You come previous, that Yang state of how is circumstance?"
These in the last years, the D receives, the Ling hold and Zhu Huan is also all border defense that is responsible for an of garrisoning the Yang state and Xu Zhou, adjusted by Sun Ce to help at the time this time.Listen to Sun Ce inquire, D's receiving is hurriedly an answer way:"Lord male!Circumstance everything of Yang state is all well, Liu Bei has already sent a person to capture a song, at the right moment block up sweet rather the west enter of route!Is sweet now rather of the battalion surround in the wide Ling, don't dare to overstep the utmost limit!"
"H'm!"Sun Ce ordered to nod, even satisfied to this circumstance, this matter is originally previous Sun Ce to hold with Cao, Liu fully negotiate a good way, on the clear noodles, the Cao holds with Liu Bei all with west Qin send punitive expedition Sun Ce's allied troops together, but secretly, the Cao holds with Liu Bei is exclusively come to give west Qin Shi Ban.Be like the Cao hold to send a person to capture Lang Ling in times before, this time Sun Ce then intentionally song of the troops adjust empty, let Liu fully jump the gun to have to.Liu fully captured a song, that is rather sweet not good to song begin!The state that is it happened that to want to set out to strike against Yang from the wide Ling, song but is one city that goes to pass importance, not take this city, sweet rather the Zong have 1-day-old Dan, also not dare to send army Yang state.This is also Sun Ce why dare to adjust to gather all troopses to deal with the cause of Zhang Liao's vanguard soldier.
"Is alas!Can only cherish, distance old general and Zu the old general have never waited until us to come to aid!"Sun Ce's facial expression is suddenly some dignified, also take one silk sorrow, but is the distance Pu that thinks of to die in battle in the Lang Ling is as luxuriant as Zu.These 2 people and early years die in battle of Huang Gai, Han Dang, all of that is followed behind Sun Jian for several years in those early years of old will, all die in battle battlefield at present, Sun Ce doesn't already is also a grief.
"Lord Mr. doesn't have to be sad!Is this time we vanguard soldier the whole amount destroy completely and also was regarded as for the distance old general and Zu old general to revenge!"The facial expression that sees Sun Ce, D's receiving is hurriedly to speak to advise Wei to get up and receive to the D to say, the in the mind isn't pleasurable either, after all distance Pu and Zu are luxuriant these new Sun Wu's great commanders of one generation is all really care to them.
Advised Wei in a short while, but Ling Cao is to hesitate for a while, finally still kept saying:"Lord male!This song is also a very important city defense to us, render up so Liu Bei at present, isn't too?That Liu fully be not what good man, now song fall his hand, hereafter want again to take back, perhaps have no so easily!"
The question that holds to the Ling , but Sun Ce is ha ha on smiling, put to put a hand, say:"Decision by the majority, you this is worried that I before once had as well!However afterwards male Jin is make me loosen heart!Is regardless us at present or the Cao hold, Liu Bei, the biggest enemy is a west Qin!If is in four year agos, probably the Cao holds to want to annex by force each other with Liu Bei also and extends own real strenght to resist west Qin!Can put till now, they this kind of viewpoint is to will never be viable!West Qin early has already owned extremely strong real strenght after these four years of preparation, especially this year again quell south pretty, can be said to be completely without cares at home!If the Cao holds with Liu Bei take begin to us this time, which afraid they can defeat our battalions smoothly and take down Yang state and Yu state, can not use how long, meeting drive west Qin to robbed in the past, they can be work in vain 1!So, they now also can be to keep their own real strenght to be free from to exhaust just, absolutely can't take a risk to make to turn over with us!"
By Sun Ce so on saying, the Ling holds a to think, also really is to return so a matter, but Sun Ce is to suddenly give a deep sigh a , helplessly shake head to say:"At present west Qin Shi Da Dun, we can make of, also only make an effort to resist just!Is original last time if can succeed to face the Emperor there is probably also front line hope, but didn't thought of once and unexpectedly come to a such end!Is alas!The father beats next might the so big Ba industry it not be is really needed to ruin to a my hand?"
"E!"Listen to Sun Ce finish saying, D's receiving and traversing to hold all of 2 people are a bit embarrassed, two Human bodies are Sun Ce subordinate great commander, but can not share sorrows for Sun Ce, this is also humiliation to them!Ling Cao hurriedly advises a way:"Is main male Mo You, this time main Mr. doesn't want west does Qin come to the troops and horses whole amount making to destroy completely?This war be over, west Qin is necessarily also that the real strenght is damaged, doesn't dare to make again in the in a short time!With the real strenght of lord Mr., needs the Li heart diagram ambition, in the future necessarily have big BE!The end will also wish to render service for lord Mr.!"
The words that the Ling holds let Sun Ce's facial expression is also well a lot of, shoulder smiled to clap to clap D to receive and traverse to hold, say:"Go!I ain't that kind of either to have no the person of ambition!Stop worrying,beats by dre studio!As long as there being my Sun Ce at a day, Sun Jia forever can't Kua!"Saying is also an energetic and daring on Sun Ce's face, this is that little overlord, Sun Ce, who gains considerable fame world.
"!Lord male you see!Resting the Mu has already offended to break a city head!"The D receives be like discover what suddenly turned a head to point to a new county direction generally, public follow the D receive of the finger direction hope to go, indeed as expected, Sun Wu's battalion led by that Huan by now offend last new county city head, previous that side is put city head up of decrepit west military flag Qin is already to don't know a Zong, replaces of, then brand-new Sun Wu's military flag!
"Ha ha ha ha!"See this view, Sun Ce in times before heart in of not and quickly is also on sweeping but getting empty, roar with laughter a way:"Is quite good!Is quite good!Rested Mu indeed as expected!Walk!We also keep up with and see!Be don't know to rest if the Mu captured alive six lousy that fellows!"Say, Sun Ce is to let under charge of close soldier label over sit to ride, oneself turns over a horse of body, Sun Wu Jun who would be to take surplus rushes through toward the new county.
The D receives to also want to follow to go to, but is discover Ling Cao Dai signs at first and seem to be just thinking what, D's receiving hurriedly is to clap the shoulder that the Ling holds all of a sudden and asked a way:"Decision by the majority, you are just thinking what?Leave!Lord Mr. has been already passed by!"
"E!"The eyebrows that the Ling holds but is to push a cake of, as if deep in thought ground the new county that looking at distance, say:"Accept Yuan, this matter is a bit not in the right!Even if is that west Qin Jun have no how much person's horse, according to reason, also should not thus and in brief drive rest Mu to take down a city head be!"Ling Cao will say so, but because in those early years Sun Jian Duo's river's east of time, Ling Cao that is ever and west Qin Jun together once treated very long a period of time.To west Qin Jun's tenacity, Ling Cao is to deeply have been already realized, so pass by for several years, west Qin Jun's real strenght absolutely can't become worse be!
Listen to Ling Cao so on saying, D's receiving is also stunned speechless, however the very quick D receives to would be to say with smile:"Decision by the majority, needless nerve-racking!This west Qin Jun even if is really have what scheming, can the strong real strenght in front in our army, but could not turn over much wave as well!Leave!Exactly is what circumstance, we went over and had a look and then knew!"The D receives this words to pour is also right, any scheming, that also wants to build up on the foundation of having the certain real strenght, west Qin Jun's troops and horses not enough 1000 people, but Sun Wu Jun is to have around ten thousand persons!Still have among them Sun Ce brings of 3,000 ride a soldier!The city gate has been already opened now, riding the soldier can even drive straight, again He Chou Xi, Qin Jun, will make what pattern?
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