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Of good, otherwise, a not good can fold into oneself.However, can easily polish off these three persons who about is an equal class with oneself to say, segment sea from think this price still can bear.
But thought to absorb a rice space in the segment sea 3 people the strength of 80% after, they can't have the time of any offensiveness again .One regiment huge gray cloud regiment, at full is a gray sky on suddenly model.Various strength that crazily absorbs surroundings, at segment sea surprised eyes in, suddenly coagulate three huge wap.xses.\С \Om 1|6| k official placard macho man four vegetableses a lie to upload
Big centipede!Immediately after and then see biggest of that, the huge top and bottom jaw takes the vehemence of as powerful as a thunderbolt to ring oneself to rush toward ……
For an instant!!!
The segment sea seemed eyes of seeing that huge centipede to gleam the ray of light in a red!
His mama of!The segment sea sank a voice to scold one bureau, in this world, the person of self-discipline or monster in addition to the grays can't be different from of color, once appearing an another color to represent what, segment sea very clear, because of, he is that to represent one of the another colors by himself!
That is only red Shan now, for a while, oneself's the space of surroundings like similar huge palm all over the place the sort downfall tightly tied himself/herself and formed a kind of special pressure.Segment time with still just surprised sea, that imitates if point knife the similar E have already mercilessly bumped already at segment the place of directions stood by sea.
The muffled thunder is general of the explosion voice chaperonage hit the ground violent vibration of noodles and shiver, bring about big slice of big slice of of billowing magma ……
Segment sea the right hand that feels to resist that huge pincers is one earthquake, that comes from Qi Lin one clan Mi the method re- condense of the dangerous spot of arrogant body unexpectedly the Bai be shaken to open a tremendous wound, the five fingers is like to get an electric shock, unexpectedly send out to slightly shiver.
The segment sea is some tiny vexations, lightly raise a hand, burst upon the ray of light in a black on the left hand, seemed to contain the countenance of seven colors again in the ray of light, numerous of strange sign text at black light the midstream turn, momentary, surroundings of various strange dint bound the left hand of segment sea, close behind, mercilessly a shot bombs at the head of that Wu Wu up.
Mao Pa a frailty rings, the half of that big centipede side big mouth drive segment sea a'boxing'beat fragmented and disorganizedly, the indentation is big slice of big slice of of the gray translucent blood spill.
The Ao blares one to bellow, be shot of the dynasty of big centipede scare urgently back behind, the fist of segment sea then takes point roar voice, again failed next go, this time, aimed at the waist belly of centipede, mercilessly, good theory club similar Lun rise fist failed next go.
Acute pain, the limitless acute pain keeps deeply heart bottom.The big centipede sends out unclear not and purely bellow, repeatedly leaped to jump crazy big hair at first, the body fiercely inflated to several hundred Zhang superiorities, to flew to crash into distance not that suspended of in the strange high mountain!'Hua'of the full world wild blow sweep indiscriminately and hit that mountain peak is everywhere ash only disorderly Shan, obviously, that mountain peak is descended very severe protection to forbid to make.
This centipede not is a common centipede, rice space also not is a common person, three centipedes should be integral whole, Yue three eyes absolute being the Wu is a kind of extremely rare ancient different monster, be afterwards cast away this world by this big magical power that develops space.Pass a kind of very and special Mi method, let this centipede continuously in this space, died to live, live at die!But, dissimilarity of BE, different from other living creature, the life of centipede which afraid because of the destruction, also just body of throw to lose, once re- appearing, will be again come becoming adult centipede, own the real strenght of Xuan fairy.Want ~only further self-discipline, cut another two eyes, is also two heads, can achieve big Luo industry fruit!
Formely this space, these three eyes absolute being the Wu have been all the most top-class strong, but don't know why, this time the transmigration of soul of world but isn't the eldest brother that they become this world top-class person, ignore whether remember a previous affair, at least, heart inside, that kind of only I only the personality of , really can not obliterate.Particularly received this kind of to humiliate, let more three eyes absolute being the Wu felt matchlessly suppress to bend!Leave 2 to divide time centipede, see the lord body pouring to fly to return to, also shouting at top of voice at the same time and being like sea to hurtle to come over!
That belong to that son natural heredity in the ancient absolute being monster blood of brutal and bloodthirsty the translucent gray fiercely coming out, spewing out a way on two three eyes absolute being dividing time of Wus float suddenly erratic flame.
The big mouth opens, from the mouth spewed out a naked eye scarcely it is thus clear that of transparent flame.
The segment sea is fiercely raised head and send out in mouth peculiar of'Gu Gu'voice, open a mouth at the same time, also spewed out a different race flame toward those two centipedes.
Dog day of!With Lao Tze than play with fire???Birthday person male toilet light-on~!~Seek dead!!!
'Dong Dong', continuous twoses are huge the flame grade of centipede ring, seeing the other party is as too many as the discrepancy of segment sea, the body is also a Bai to burn split Pa to make ring, the segment sea also behaves Yin malicious of very, unexpectedly and secretly of take nearby two three eyes absolute being Wu at difference fire in vacillatingly at the same time, just took seven color ray of lights again on that black of left hand of fist dance windmill son sort be head downfall, the momentary hits twoly three eyes absolute being the Wu is misery, body drive abruptly hit several tens size different hole.Even drive difference fire the fire burn all over acute pain and burn spray in overwhelmed with work white mouth big slice of big slice of of white Mo son.
The attack of segment sea lets the Mo that looking at in a side all stare for it, his continuous madness pounds and simply beat two day Wus in addition to throw up blood, vomit white Mo the some Dou move not get.
Seeming to be for a long time to have no is so great, so'admire skin'of flat person, the spirits of segment sea the whole individual are placed in a red and stimulated in the middle, after all, so many injustices of in the last yearses, today ability a report, the segment still more or less still reserves that kind of bloody, this up the segment sea will never be those self - disciplines numerous absolute being of minds are evil.At least, brutal from this kind of of, almost savage similar means back, can also see a segment sea still a person.
A good big river sort huge weird breathing in Yangtze River from world everywhere the Feng hug since then and infused into the body of segment sea.The Mou son of the segment sea inside deeply twos are very clear naked, on the body continuously of taint with ascend these three eyes absolute being the blood of the Wu, segment sea never attention, those three eyes absolute being the blood of the Wu unexpectedly permeate into his own body, then quickly of be dropped by the different race flame absorption in the nebula, unexpectedly, if the segment sea sees, will be definitely surprised to shout, this blood exert however like the gasoline, will that different race of the flame order very prosperously.
The centipede blood of huge quantity continuously flows out into the body of segment sea, let his body all the more of fastness.Is gradual, seemed to discover the advantage of this kind of blood, originally joined a crowd for fun in a side of nine the thunders also gather together every day up noisy, however,cheap dr dre beats, unexpectedly follow these blood fluxions, but can not help its growth.Hence, is a vexation very much of nine the thunders are arrogant every day of drag along these bloods into the pubic region inside the body of segment sea.
Over there for an instant segment pubic region in the sea body like drink next innumerable**, in a twinkling soar to count a hundredfold, it shouts to fly to soon revolve, just the segment sea is wellfeeling the moment that oneself supports so much, suddenly, a son doesn't know where come of the hungry feeling touch from the position of pubic region of leap out so for a while!The sea is flat three eyes absolute being the segment sea severity of the Wu of naked win more, one feet are a , will three eyes absolute being the Wu kick to suspend in front of high mountain.
One bellows that three the eyes absolute being Wu rices space unexpectedly and again sent out to match body slogan!
A way black light the inside from the mountain peak spew out.Close behind little not weaker than Mo the strength of the strength motion jet from the mountain, billowing magma in the ground is blown of fly indiscriminately everywhere, is been a center by the mountain, proliferation!
And segment sea at this time, also fell into very hard-pressed state, oneself is unexpectedly hungry!!!For no reason carry not to know why, unexpectedly hungrily very severe!Want to eat, eat a lot of things!!!The segment also clearly feels this feeling, understanding this is the relation that the body lacks strength, but, oneself just clearly absorbed Related articles:

