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Come downfrom the crane ,on crutches took a step forward ,the cane in Shanghai hung a red block ,with the old man took a step forward and shook up ,which makes Kong Yu was again a shock ,because Kong Yu found the old that small red gourd is unexpectedly and Yaozu crown land pressure chop fairy flying is as like as two peas ,is this the tree congenital gourd vines in the gourd ?relationresultBut this timethe old man interrupted Kong Yu make blind and disorderly conjectures ,just listen to the old man with a frowning face to Sun Wukong said , the monkey ,you know what is this place ?How will you here .
?If disturbed the palm teach master, even if you master ,is also difficult to keep you well . , relationresultTheold man said palm teach master nature is free Primus ,although the old in the usual time is always a smiling face ,who is very friendly, but Primus extremely the loyalty and respect ,any person who is not able to Primus has never offend ,like Sun Wukong in Kunlun Mountains should dare to murder people move line ,for the old is no excuse .
relationresultBut forSun Wukong origin of Antarctic seno is very clear ,that Sun Wukong behind with the goddess Nuwa ,Zhuntidaoren and the Taoist priest ,so just grin and bear it ,not on the Sun Wukong hand ,is done for other people ,I have long been the old nullify to slag .
relationresultSun Wukong is listening tothe old man after his face also becomes not nice words ,since the accession to the WTO since ,Sun Wukong has never been afraid of who ,whether large downtown hell, Ryo Miya havoc in heaven ,can be showed Sun Wukong to defy laws human and divine ,plus there are so many patron ,also let Sun Wukong become supercilious ,no person in the eye .
relationresultAlthoughknow here is free Primus Dojo, but fearless Sun Wukong is not care about this ,after all, Sun Wukong never had the experience of Primus badly ,so there is no any taboo, listening to the old man is also very angry at the old said , the old ,read the in the US an acquaintance ,you don stop me, otherwise ,do not blame my golden mean .
, relationresultTheold man heard Sun Wukong, scowling face was suddenly smile ,with a look at Sun Wukong ,then to Sun Wukong and said , Oh ,monkey ,I would like to have a look what do you mean .
Finish this sentence when the old man ,who suddenly burst into a towering momentum, suddenly is made around max ,vitality world even the surrounding space is somewhat disordered ,and the various Kunlun Mountains rare fowls and strange animals at this time are all fell silent ,the Kunlun Mountains is become very quiet .
relationresultKong Yuzhanin the old man behind, in Antarctica is the old that burst out of momentum impact felt uncomfortable chest is depressed ,then a blood spit it out ,very pale ,while facing the old man Sun Wukong is backed up many steps to stop ,face unbelievable looking at the old .
relationresultSun Wukong did not think ofis always laughing ,anonymity of the Antarctic seno is actually have such strength ,light is broke out on momentum is to be their retreat ,this makes Sun Wukong heart very shocked ,face is also uncertain ,he knows that if he and the old man last words, certainly not to discuss the benefits ,heart waves of hate .
relationresultThis timethe old and to Sun Wukong said , the monkey ,don now that mana is invincible ,better than you. A lot of people, if not look at your master you don want to leave today from Kunlun Mountains .
Okay ,and I don care about you ,hurry up . , relationresultAfterthe old body burst out of momentum is suddenly disappeared ,while listening to the old man Sun Wukong is more ugly ,he ever was so little of ,especially by the previous and his address each other as brothers ,binge drinking is south pole seno so little ,more make Sun Wukong cannot accept .
relationresultJustfrom the old first predecessor broke out on momentum ,Sun Wukong is not aware of their old rivals in antarctica .Although Sun Wukong is grumpy ,but not rash a ,will consider the consequences ,so only the inlet pressure, and then turned a somersault cloud will fly away .
relationresultThe old manlooked at the Sun Wukong fly back, his lips parted in a sneer ,turned back to Kong Yu ,looked at Kong Yu pale pole face ,the crutch wearing red gourd down, from which poured out of a milky white pills ,suddenly bursts of fragrance is from which circulated out ,and Kong Yuguang is smelling the aroma of red is felt physically recovered a lot .
relationresultThen theold will it pass Antarctic pill to Kong Yu ,which gave Kong Yu some with profound respect and humility ,after all, his face but free Primus disciple of Antarctic seno ,just more with momentum is the monkey king Sun Wukong to shake off, so people had to let Kong Yu carefully treat .
relationresultKong Yutook a pill to take ,the old man took one look at the hole and then at jade ,Kong Yu said , let ,palm teach master waiting for you for a long time . , relationresultKong Yu listened tothe old words heart shock ,the mind is this Yuanshi Tianzun is actually know what they want to ?That said ,the Primus prowess is incredible ?With these questions ,Kong Yugen in the old man behind the front .
relationresult , relationresultThe 360th chapter Primus , relationresultBecause the world five line in the central apricot yellow is in free Primus hands ,so Kong Yu had to come to the Kunlun Mountains ,and Kong Yu because it is in the sector when the worship jade Qing reality as a teacher, so is also free disciples ,this is to allow Kong Yu to have the guts to have such force mana when dare on Kunlun Mountains .
relationresultWhile Kong Yuis heard that Primus was waiting for her ,how this would not let Kong Yu heart shocked ?Kong Yu heart is thinking of the Primus will also have to know your purpose here ,if so ,is it right? So he could be dangerous ?relationresultThese problems arelingering in Kong Yu ,making Kong Yu be very upset .
But have come this far ,Kong Yu has no way back ,but no matter how ,that day five flag he is going to get ,pay any price he is willing, even his life .relationresultBe very upsetwith the idea, Kong Yugen in the old man to fly behind the summit of Kunlun Mountains .
A way of seeing nature is beautiful, but Kong Yu was in no mood to see these .But let Kong Yu some doubts ,Cheap Beats By Dr Dre,in this a big Kunlun Mountains ,in addition to the old ,was not to Kong Yu found other powerful figures of the breath .
relationresultIt is not agood strange things ,Primus Shoutu is very picky ,not a good qualification ,and deep person is unable to enter the Primus escaped ,and Primus received only twelve disciples ,known as the free gold twelve cents ,the twelve disciples are all have great magic power generation Primus ,won the favorite .
relationresultBut inthe war time, but there are several disciples betrayed free ,into the Western Buddhism ,this is to become the greatest shame Primus ,and the remaining few disciples are also have their own Dojo ,there are few with Primus side ,only the south pole seno basically is in the Kunlun Mountains ,by Primus . Related articles:

