
cheap beats by dre n't long see now on

The real strenght of the household, I still don't put in the eye.And I tell the truth with you, even if is plus'the household of gold Luan'and'big Luo gold fairy household', I equally don't put in the eye.Just is a person, still need to fight for the most effective way be not?If can blindly put together to kill, that can become bumptious fellow."
On smiling, Luo maple's way:"Like, you return to first, not three day, I will definitely let 7 households of gold Luan'and'big Luo gold fairy household'disappear of.As for'Meng virtuous household'….Luo maple cold long grass in eyes one Shan:"Agreeable I Chang, negative I Wu!"
"This ……"
Huo virtuous momentary, still keep having some not to believe.After all, he now but is thinking for own life writing.If the Luo maple really gave offense to those three greatest households.You a personal dead's pouring is to have no relation, but even own life also take up, can a bit unworthy.
Originally thought that the Luo maple is the night feather saint Class in the sky of, but now even if overestimate him, is immortal sovereign, but the virtuous household of somebody else Meng among them immortal and sovereign more than 20s, the Luo maple takes what go to heel somebody else Dou?One somebody else one mouthful spittle, be good enough to give him to drown.
Originally still wanted to advised Luo maple again of, but knit the brows in the Luo maple under, he also only leaving of Xing Xing.
After Huo is virtuous to walk, the Luo maple considers some kind of, the absolute being reads to sink to immerse in the necklace, the hair Ji of that black inside, way:"Medicine cloud saint, that galaxy enforces the law an alliance and how contact?"
Chapter 335 【saint way space 】
"Does the galaxy enforce the law an alliance?"
Medicine cloud saint is good is shutting eyes self-discipline, the mind sinks to immerse, at bothering of Luo maple under, just and slowly wake up.If isn't such, that Luo maple at the external world of each and every move, he all completely can understand.
"Do you seek galaxy to enforce the law an alliance to do what?"
"Report, Hey Hey!"On smiling, the Luo maple Hey Hey's smiling face is a bit uncanny.
"Concerning the affair of landscape?"
"I advise you or died this heart, that helps guy, all is a help cannibalism not to vomit a bone winner.Although is beating galaxy to enforce the law the signal of alliance,to the utmost do some publics despise of matter.You if want to report, had better in advance ready to a gift.
Otherwise of words, isn't that you report them, but they reported you."
Medicine cloud saint sighed tone, was only a despise in the tone.Those early years of he , whiles having not promoted seven classes landscape strongses, woulds be because the matter reported is played 1 by the somebody else to turn round and round.After the self-discipline arrived deluxe state, just there is that real strenght, enforce the law that galaxy the guy of alliance to secretly polish off.
"Why to say so?The galaxy enforces the law an alliance, be not exclusively organize to provide for the landscape self-discipline protective?"Luo maple eyebrows a wrinkly, saying of doubt.He knows that the affair has no so in brief.
"The galaxy enforces the law an alliance and in fact said white, is also with landscape those king the mansion power is expensive similar, all rich to handle affairs so much.
Only what they needed isn't money, but the thing of another self-discipline is just.You have to know, the strong of ten class landscapes is busy at the self-discipline of, impossibly and whole day looking at them, so time grew and had already become Qian rule as well."
The Luo maple contemplates in a short while, way:"You tell me first, how contact them.If they really dared demand to me, my real strenght promoted hereafter, will definitely make them come back from 1,10000% liquidations."
"Does the real strenght promote?Ha ha, you are just only a second class landscape now of ….make reference to here, medicine cloud saint lived, and then a surprised sky of rant resounded through but rose.
"The real strenght promotes!!!"
The digging of Luo maple exaggeration digs ear, the corner of mouth has muscular spasms and says with smile:"Boon, the real strenght promotes."
"The boy is a x-rated landscape here, the card promise star area, I the right here once treated at that time.Say, are you how to come?And your real strenght, I depend and all come to an a x-rated landscape of immortal Be getting more sovereign, this is what is the row, this how may, the old man was once only a self-discipline, this just several days of effort, your attaining x-rated immortality from second class fracture Wu Shen is getting more sovereign, this ……this not is talk idly!!"
"What matter, take place what matter?"
"Old guy, early morning of, you Rang Rang what Ⅱroar very not easy dream to arrive a beauty, all drive you to disrupt, depend, wait after replying, you can seek her for me to do eight come great a great, didn't move a woman for a long time, Lao Tzes are suppressing to die.{The zzzcn.Com head delivers}"
The rant of medicine cloud saint, the nature is to connect empty scar saint and put out for a sky, saint all noisy awake come over, and the Wu works properly a saint, also after a burst of heavy black fog, peeped out green eye pupil of two uncanny hairs, see come is pass by last time of soundly asleep, finally wake up.
"He …… he ……" medicine cloud saint points at Luo maple, the mouth shivers, the momentary is some could not say words.
"He what he, you see you this old guy, all the person of seven classes, how don't order ……I depend!!"
The empty scar saint hopes Luo maple, also is to explode a thick, then point at a Luo maple way:"You ……you are a Luo maple boy?"
The Luo maple didn't talk, just the wry smile writes ordered to nod.He knows that oneself is advanced such of quick of affair, will certainly shocked medicine cloud saint etc. person.Wu Zhe is directly advanced to arrive fracture from the second class earth of Wu Shen, and then advanced arrive second class immortal sovereign.But now, connect x-rated earth Wu Zhe Bu need not, directly is x-rated immortal sovereign, this is in the whole galaxy inside, is all very rare affair!
Certainly, rare, also explain, affair like this, still take place.After all, the whole galaxy is so big, even have so big whole world, among them strange rare treasure innumerable, perhaps a world works properly a thing, then will make people directly advanced.
Once there was a legend, a self-discipline unintentionally got a galaxy to forbid a fruit, after 333 days gobble up after chain turned, originally is a second class landscape, directly became six class landscapes of strong!And from that after, quick self-discipline, the terror goes to a pole.Short 100,000 years would be to come to a ten classes!
But affair like this, the whole galaxy, also now a just.The medicine cloud saint etc. person absolutely can't believe, the Luo maple will have this etc. fortuitous.But his real strenght promotes quick speed, if reckon on the average, is gobbles up the guy that the galaxy forbids a fruit to still have to be terrible than that!
"Blah, you are talking idly, you how may be a Luo maple boy!Luo maple boy only just second class fracture Wu Shen just, you now is what fix for?Is x-rated immortal sovereign, this how may!Hum, don't think to cover with the corset of Luo maple boy, I could not recognize you.Your affirmation is the meat body that the Duo gave up Luo maple boy, would such of, is be not?"
Wu's working properly a saint is also a concussion, way:"You dare the Duo give up Luo maple boy and really got fed up with living flavor!I tell you, we is the strongs of seven class landscapes, you now if gobble up the body of Luo maple boy, we don't kill you.If you insist on thus, don't blame me to wait a cruel hand hot!"
Luo maple Leng greater half sky, end only the wry smile treat it.However his in the mind still keeps having in fine threads warmth, although medicine cloud saint time that the etc. person gets in touch with isn't long,see now, oneself is in the position in their heart, is a bit heavy very much.Otherwise of words, can't concern oneself thus.
"Each elder generation, I am really a Luo maple, you forgot, you still gave an account I help you the shot to kill the strong of those eight class landscapes and resume a meat body for you and revenged for you?"Momentary, the Luo none of maple knew how to explain.
"Hum, the Duo gives up a meat body, the nature is to give up together with the memory Duo, and you think that all of us are fools!"The Wu works properly a saint cold hum a , the voice is also cold.
"Depend, how do I say that you would believe!"
The Luo maple turned over to turn over cold stare and also didn't understand to release, way:"Who know how contact galaxy to enforce the law an alliance,cheap beats by dre, quickly say, do I still occupy and handle!"
"Do not know!"The unanimous opinion that is public to come to.
The face of Luo maple right away woulded be a bitterness down:"Each elder generation, I am really a Luo maple boy, true it certainly is, your best ω wants how I prove, would you believe?Isn't real strenght to promote a little bit quickly, have what worth fussbudget, I still need to wait to accept corpse for you ……sum, be not, tidy up that eight class landscapes for you of guy."
"Forget it!"
Or the medicine is in a short while old cool-headed, contemplate, way:"This jade card is the contact jade that the galaxy enforces the law an alliance card, was a good friend to send mine in those early years.You only input you to think Related articles:

