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City of airtight protect, the insect disaster this time signs a horse to break out, our internal helps tell us, had better after insect disaster, the car pond city equips the time of exhaustion and with one action captures car pond city!""Is this true?Is really that the sky help my clan!You ready to, do according to what internal help says, I will also do a homologous arrangement, you as long as car pond after city offend sink, my clan will immediately take down and my clan's six close together city defenses, conveniently still need to let the person of corpse absolute being clan go to car pond city and my clan the countercharge of hellish cloud line clan! Expect dint clear you do a good job, this time success after, I will stay a candidate for election position for you at the elder seat, is advanced to match the time that the body expects at you in the future also small helpful!" The Qi madam's complexion in the copper mirror is a bit pleased of say! And once Ba Li Ming hear Qi a madam have to seek an elder candidate for election seat for him, at that moment is also very happy and hurriedly toward the Qi madam in the copper mirror to thank! "Thus, you first agree on with internal help well, once the insect disaster signs aggression horse after car pond city!Don't being any is hesitant, so, answered the thing of Yin breeze city with full powers hand over to you to be responsible for!" After Qi madam finishes saying, the body form is a burst of faintness, then once that copper mirror glory spread and change into palm size to fly the palm of returning to Ba Li Ming in! At the moment expect a clear mood of dint is very good, he once the copper mirror accept, then changed into a burst of Yin breeze to arrive at moreover a set of rooms again inside, there are two beauties inside this set of rooms to be like floral young woman!On seeing the true body that Ba Li rear from the Yin breeze clearly, all peep out frightened air! "Is afraid of?Lao Tze will you since the childhood clan in captured to come over, what things once lacked your shares!Lao Tze's mood is happy, at the right moment come to open for your two sisters today.Bao!" Expect dint clearly bad smile, tiger Qu one earthquake, immediately a vehemence arises spontaneously, the dress Shan on his body also fades by oneself! Is full to fear in those two sisters' eyeses and despair! However Ba Li doesn't know clearly what tenderness toward woman, once the directly big hand grasp, immediately a huge attraction give°s those two sisters to grasp to shoot to come over. Two hands make an effort a to tore at the same time later on, the dress Shan of two sisters is all torn to pieces to open, peep out snow-white one! "Ha ha ha!You this snow's working properly the woman of clan is great, all of skin, shape and faces are far near to be known for!Hear your dollar the spirit of the Yin still own the effect of ferocious mien inside the body of clearance, absolutely is the meat Mi that is born to prepare for me!" Expect dint clear a press down a woman,beats by dre pro, moreover a hand directly grasps another loins of young girl, then big waist direct a stand, hurtled into that young girl of inside the body! The whole rooms are all full of the crying for voice of young girl at the moment, with Ba Li clearly thick crazy of the voice of cachinnation! Work properly boundary the biggest dragon set, Ba Li Ming's cellular phone appeared, quack, wait be died by Gao Yi Nue!Chapter 11's striving for to settle car pond city is all alerts now and on the other hand transfer the storage supplies in the city, moreover and on the other hand be adjust all strengths that can fight in one degree city! In the castellan official residence at this time, three castellans sit on the big palace above, start the first position one then wear fire color full-length gown, healthy in old age, the chain of the all over the face red light falsely early monk! This chain the falsely early monk is exactly the big elder of this car pond city! "The ambition of Gong Hong big elder!The circumstance in nowadays you also knew, don't know what opinion the elder has?" Attending to castellan is beaming with smiles, respect of say. "The matter of these defense is originally your three castellans to be responsible for, I am only the bewitching insect that copes with those high levels, also have in case of have already multiplied by the fire loots of Tu, other of I all ignore, also beyond the power to care! However you should send a hand to left for to notify an internal city right away and let them sign a horse to come over a support!After all and carefully drive ten thousand years ship!""This ask Gong elder to trust, we have already sent three people and go to Feng sun city respectively, Liao cloud city, three wood the city left for a claim to help! Believing should have no problem!" Castellan full face saying of self-confidence! The ambition of Gong Hong ordered to nod, then way: "Now that you all have already done to carefully reply of plan, I also have no what want to say of, as long as the demon once appearing high level insect and Yin evil spirit clan, corpse absolute being clan to multiply by the fire loots of person, I from will make moves to resist! You needed to defendoof a good insect disaster to go!" Once the Gong Hong ambition words finish saying, don't need three castellan message of replies as well direct on clapping the arm-rest on the wood chair, whole individual changed into a quickly passing time to fly big palace outside! Three castellans in the big palace are also to keep silence, just mutually see each other tiny tiny a smile!…… One in the corpse absolute being clan territory accumulates the ground of corpse! Month China is like water, nine silver months like nine Wang the pure pond generally hang at the sky on!Don't know when one big slice of dark cloud is from the distance since then, first extremely slow-moving, but under the Yin breeze of a burst of fieriness unexpectedly covered for nine silver months all! Night thickly like turn don't open of liquid ink, cold of like mow fleshy penknife! At this time even under of the trees all become ferocious, make threatening gestures in the dark night and reveal an a burst of gloomy spirit! Suddenly, a voice quack of strange ring to accumulate the ground of corpse to send out from this one! Later on numerous corpse spirits, Yin spirit even evil spirit send forth from the soil, square the places of circle ten few insides all covered with! In that corpse spirit most in order to heavily accumulate the ground of corpse, at the moment one's growing a huge man of white skin shape is standing over there! Isn't white skin not, that is the corpse hair, if cautiously walk into a to see, his whole bodieses are growing carefully white floss, closely climb whole body! "You all come out!" Because this man's one makes next! Immediately there were again many chain corpses to climb out from the underground! This also person, accurate say to come to isn't a person, is exactly a corpse of absolute being one clan! "I have already received news inside the clan, once the etc. insect disaster ends, immediately set out car pond city, Hey Hey, thought to soundly asleep to count a long decade of you, also didn't enjoy to there thin skin delicate meat for a long time of cloud line clan woman!""Hey Hey, greatly get generally where of words, as long as following to greatly get generally, also little got the woman of those thin skin delicate meat and those infant who are delicious?" A chain corpse peeps out long long of corpse tooth, crafty say with a smile. "Good!Everyone doesn't want to leave this place half to tread recently and give me adjustment good status, want ~only etc. insect disaster one be over, those car pond city, I let you for self-indulgent three days!" That big leader is satisfied with of have already ordered to nod, then started encouraging the vehemence of under charge. This words are a , immediately lead numerous chain corpses all laugh wildly of voice,Ha ha ha ha~~~~~~~~~…… Wait until the seventh day that Gao Yi arrives at the car pond city empress! The insect disaster thoroughly broke out!Numerous bewitching insects generally overaly the whole square inch desert like the wave! But car pond city this seat is at square edge in the inch desert not the city defense of distance is also a first hit is looked after by point! Demon insect as sea surge, as sacred mountain facingParty Yao Qiao even  Chu Γ Xie Na  Jin  does the hasty Huang lips Xi Huan blink  Ji Hui to pay チ to forgive?Distance, in the sky a big slice of silvery wave tide the flicker don't stop, numerous Gang breezes remit to gather one noodles big wall the direct facing car pond city push to come over, under of insect tide continuously ex- go in the desert, start to take of dust and sand like yellow river the general Hun is muddy, however the speed very quickly direct soldier faces a city bottom! The door of the east is a turn the early monk dead dead of absolute being stares at front of insect tide, wait until insect tide a push forward artillery range scope inside, he suddenly raises hand to shout loudly a way! "The huge Nu prepares!" The east city wall in the door on of all huge Nus together and together adjust height, then aim at firmamental of silvery insects! The bewitching insect that turns early monk of absolute being to hope opposite like the ocean deeply absorbed an one breath, then fierce of Be malicious to fall in the hand raising Gao, and loudly drink a way: "Put!" Sees top all huge Nus in city wall send out light light of a burst of dizzy, surroundings of world spiritual influence drive fierce on pulling and dragging, to inhaled arrows Shi, later on those 3-10 Zhang all of the different giant arrows Shi, together and together project, closely also like locust pest generally extensive of with insects to bump but go to! All giant arrows Shis a firm enter insect in immediately explode to open, in a twinkling explode to open like the bright smoke flower, however the smoke flower is finally a smoke to spend, can be bright temporarily, these giant arrows Shis are also similar, don't see them blast open very greatly a son on all sides at it, but soon drive amount extremely terrible insects to filled up into! Turn absolute being early monk on that city wall, the eyebrows is also a tight lock at the moment, the insect disaster breaks out this time of the scale in fact compared with to say last year that still wanting is small ascend 1, 2 cent. However even if so, just take place because of a year ago Related articles:

